Acclaimed patented technology

We believe that for products on the market to succeed, they must have a unique technical value proposition to gain market acceptance. EZUC+ meets these conditions:

1.Unique technology:
EZUC+ possesses the following special technology, enabling it to exceed other UC products on the market:
 Voice Quality: Using QoS standards and special compression algorithm to reproduce the original sound, without the noise and stutter common to IP calls
 Point to Point Communication: Using P2P(Peer to Peer) communications technology to reduce latency and improve communication quality
 Enterprise VPN: Built-in VPN service ensures secure access to enterprise resources under various network environments. Convenient real-time communication is combined with enterprise-class data security and privacy with anti-hacking protection

2.Patented technology:
Blisscloud has been issued a patent "methods of network system real-time interactions" in China, and applications have also been filed in other countries. This will discourage other vendors from copying and protect Blisscloud business interests.

3.Market Niche:
Blisscloud has domain know-how in the contact center (CC) industry, and has fifty industry applications, hundreds of corporate customers, and many alliance partners. Market survey indicates the UC market is one hundred times larger than the CC market. Because UC and CC share many underlying technology and concepts, we are well-positioned to replicate our previous success in the CC industry.

4.Industry reputation:
Since unveiling of EZUC+, market response has been overwhelmingly positive.
Information technology and the radio authority of Wuxi city, Director Ming Zhang:
"EZUC+ cloud computing architecture is designed to lead the industry. Its open platform is designed for the software industry, and provides an enterprise-class ecosystems and foundation. EZUC+'s 5A (Anywhere, Anytime, Any Device,Any Network, Any Mean) design ensures EZUC+ are compatible with future communication technologies."

Yong Li, General Manager of China Unicom, Wuxi branch:
"EZUC+ combined with China Unicom's high-quality 3G network provides users with a perfect experience, let enterprise communicate without barriers. This has all the making of a new killer application."

Wasu Group senior Vice President, Hong Zhou:
"In 2006, the Hangzhou Municipal Government and the group's Wasu digital TV business unit deployed an IPCC hotline 96345 to service government units from 40+ cities. At that time, we had planned to eventually deploy IPCC to the enterprise as well, but six years ago, found it very difficult. EZUC+ made integrating the 96345 service hotline into a unified communication platform possible. This allows the city to offer broader, more convenient unified services for its citizen."

General Manager of Zhejiang Railway Customer Marketing Center, Yiyin Wang:
"Since the merger between China Mobile and China Railway, we have been searching for a killer application that can serve both fixed and wireless customers. We believe EZUC+ is that enterprise communications killer application."

Hubei Unicom Information Navigation Center Director, Hong Shen:
"The Information Navigation Center is the communication platform linking citizens and enterprises. EZUC+ can provide multi-channel real-time or non real-time interactions."

Jiangsu Network TV Senior Technical Manager, Qiang Xiao:
"Wireless Jiangsu integrated EZUC+ in mobile TV service. You can establish an interactive platform between viewers and advertisers/media/business owners, let advertisers listen to feedback from their customers."

Jiangsu CCTV news feeds Deputy Director, DaoYuan Gu:
"Reporters are road warriors, but still need to communicate with headquarter and department staff, EZUC+ multi-line call features and enterprise instant messaging allow reporters to do live voice broadcast and text chat."

Primemobi Chairman, Yalin Li:
"EZUC+ cloud model lets business users to easily access, rapidly deploy, spend less, and conserve resources. Communication is extended to any reachable network, re-defining the ways an enterprise can communicate."

Premier BPO board Chairman, Mark Briggs:
"Mobile ready unified communications are a necessity for multinational companies such as Premier to compete, by reducing communication cost and making it easier to manage distributed offices."

Hua Tang Education Services Chairman, MingYuan Cao:
"Hua Tang Education Services currently has outsourcing call center training facilities at more than 100 colleges and vocational schools across the nation. Every year, there are 8,000 to 10,000 outsourcing agents servicing thousands of businesses. EZUC+ can be used as the communication platform for enterprises and human resources training centers."

China Aviation Union Chairman, ZhenYu Wang:
"EZUC+ helps 1,600 China Aviation Union ticket brokers to internally and externally communicate, let brokerage business continue smoothly while saving telecommunication cost."

Landseed Health Care Managing Director, Hsin-Hung Chen:
"EZUC+ helps top medical institutions establish communication links with patients, let health care be accessible everywhere and in many different ways."

Beyondsoft BPO Operations Director, Nong Chen:
"The arrival of EZUC+ lets enterprises build their own mobile e-commerce platform with more imagination. The wireless Internet, enterprise voice communication, and cloud infrastructure allow companies to easily build more mobile e-commerce applications."

Xinkb Education Principal, Long Wang:
"The school directory has become a thing of the past. That was a by-product of the pre-mobile Internet era. Wechat has revolutionized text communication. EZUC+ lets parents and school teachers communicate with students through new communication channels."